On Sunday, my sister and her kids came over to my parents house and they all got the chance to watch Silas open the Christmas presents they sent (which FINALLY showed up after being stuck in Seattle for several weeks).
Here's my sister and my parents, smiling at Silas:
The first picture also shows the little table and chairs that Grandma G sent to Silas. I'll have better pictures of that, and his newly redone little play area, in another post.
Hey, if you are a friend of Silas (or his parents) and you'd like to video chat, we use gmail to do so. It would be wonderful to say hello to you! Keep it in mind!
Hello, I'm a new spinner because my friend Theresa (who works at Sound Publishing) sent me beautiful wool from a sheep named Bart. I've spun his wool and love it so much! I have a photo and he's the cutest sheep ever, but still haven't figured out what his breed is. Today I googled "Bart the Sheep" hoping his family had a blog so I could figure out what he is and found out what a small world it really is! I've been admiring your Imagine Peace Vest pattern ever since you posted it. Anyway, if I have the right sheep and you want to confirm with Theresa, I'm Bridget and I work for Metro-Suburbia in Detroit. I'd love to hear from you if your Bart is the Bart I'm stalking!
Hi Bridget. There's no track-back on blogspot, so I have no way to contact you, but yes, my Bart is your Bart! Shannon owns them, and I think she works with Theresa at Sound Publishing. A small world indeed! If you happen to be on Ravelry, i'm on as amberbryant. Or you could ask Theresa to get my contact info from Shannon, if you'd like! I'd love to see what you're spinning with Bart's wool!
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