Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Silas is Sleeping...

I know a lot of our earlier blogs were pics of our sleeping newborn, but I couldn't resist adding just a few more (will they be the last?). After all, what's better than a peacefully sleeping beautiful babe?

Speaking of sleep, Silas is still doing well at night. He even slept for a 5 hour stretch the other night, but so far, that appears to be a one-time deal. Usually he sleeps for two 3 or 4 hour stretches, then perhaps another 2-3 hour stretch. Broken up with nursing and diaper changes, we are generally in bed between 9 or 10 hours and I (mom) get perhaps 7 or 8 hours of sleep. Not bad!
Si has also been consistently taking a long nap in the afternoons, and I cannot, I repeat, cannot tell you how wonderful that is! I'm able to eat, do a 30 minute exercise routine, clean up a bit, and maybe even post a blog entry now and then. This is a huge improvement from the days when I was luck if he slept for more than a couple half-hour stretches during the daytime. And, as all of you with children know, he is usually in a better mood if he's had a good nap. So, sleep well, Si, and pleasant dreams to you...


Melissa said...

Happy Mother's Day Amber!

gemini.loca said...

What a little angel....when's Si's first road trip going to be? :-)